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Pasadena 8670

Here are some tools to help you order the right crane for your lift.


How to save time and money when ordering our cranes.


L   - Load Weight

 - Height of Structure

D1 - Distance from the rear of the crane 

        to the face of the Structure

D2 - Distance from the face of the structure 

        to the center placement of the load.


1 - Observe accessiblity to the crane set

     up area.

2 - Observe the type of surface the crane will set up on.

3 - Report overhead obstacles; power lines, trees, etc.

4 - All distances should be accurately 

     measured with a tape measure.

At Shamrock Crane Services, Inc. our goal is to provide our customers with the most efficient, cost-effective crane service possible. Since we rely on your assessment of the job site in selecting a 

crane, it is vital that you provide us with an 

accurate picture of the site. In order to assist 

you in evaluating your job site, we suggest 

you provide our dispatcher with the 

following information:

Wood Beams

Height (inches) X Width ( inches) X Length ( feet) X .25 = weight in pounds

(The factor of .25 is average and varies from about .20 to .35 according to the type of beam and its condition)

Example: 6" X 12" X 16' beam = 288 pounds


100 pounds (per inch of 4' X 8' stack)

Example: Stack of 4 X 8 plywood measuring 15 inches = 1500 pounds

Compressed Particle Board

120 pounds (per inch of 4' X 8' stack)

Example: Stack of 4 X 8 board measuring 20 inches = 2400 pounds

Air Conditioners

120 pounds (per ton of air conditioning in heating/cooling package)

(Commonly varies from 100 to 140 pounds depending on manufacturer and age of unit)

Example: 4-ton heating and cooling package = 480 pounds


100 pounds (per foot of one side of square self-contained unit)

Example: Redwood paneled 7 feet X 7 feet X 30" deep spa = 700 pounds

Box Trees

24" box    725 lbs.

36" box    2,500 lbs.

48" box    6,000 lbs.

60" box    8,000 lbs.

72" box    12,000 lbs.

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Weights of Commonly Lifted Materials
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